The reason I know the Marks Of Fitness method of training works is because it's done just that for me.
I'm proof that an experienced lifter and exercise junkie can have their fitness and quality of life transformed by the overhaul of bad habits and accountability to good technique and movement the method instils.
So let's go back and exhume the whole sorry story!
I was reasonably talented at sports throughout school and university, but I had physical imbalances. Some were genetic - I was very tall and most of my height seemed to made up of legs so I was ungainly. I also had flat feet and collapsed arches so my knees tended to cave in under stress.
I can't really be held responsible for these physical quirks, but adopting a bow-legged walk because I thought it looked cool all through university and which disturbed the tracking of my fibula and tibia across the patella was all mine. Add to this years of football and rugby and my knees soon paid the price.
I had two ACL tears, one on each knee, in my late teens and early 20s. I felt the injuries were indicative of an overall lack of strength so I began weight training seriously. While I put on plenty of muscle, I found that now tipping the scales at 110kg is not that beneficial when you've got two messed up knees. Despite the extra bulk my knees still felt like they were made of glass and I called time on my sporting career.
I became a journalist and the years of 10-hour days hunched over a keyboard couple with the intense bodybuilding workouts I still kept at meant I was turning into an immobile hulk.
My muscles were tightening up and this shortening of the range of movement meant I was forever getting injured when I was called on for five-a-side football or a game of tennis. My body could not cope with the sudden changes of direction or the stretching involved.
Maybe I looked strong, but my shoulders were rounded from my tight chest muscles and I was not able to fill my lungs efficiently with each breath so any cardio shattered me fast.
But it was my knees that had become the real problem.. They weren't just hampering my sporting ability, they were restricting my every day life. Rather than strengthening them, years of squatting heavy without engaging the posterior chain of muscles (glutes and hamstrings) had put huge shearing forces on my already weakened knees.
Ocassional stiffness and tenderness soon became pain, especially when my legs were bent in a sitting position for any length of time.
Going to the cinema was agony for me - even if I wasn't watching an Adam Sandler film - if I did not have an aisle seat. If I kept my legs bent for longer than five minutes the pain was excruciating and I had to straighten them or scream out loud.
Squatting became agony and I felt like the Tin Man when I ran from a cold start. Some days even walking was painful.
My inflamed tissues throughout my body caused by years of heavy lifting without adequate manipulation and lengthening of the muscles kept me feeling constantly uptight and anxious. My muscles could not seem to switch off and, as a result, I was constantly exhausted.
I'd always thought of myself as fit, strong and capable, but now I was looking enviously at anyone who could sit up out of a chair without having to get an extra push with their arms.
Enough was enough. I had to do something and I knew it would have to involve losing my ego and staring from scratch.
My poor exercise technique had to be overhauled and my tight, shortened muscles had to be lengthened and unknotted.
I researched exhaustively, selecting the best mobility drills and stretches - drawing from yoga, calisthenics and even wrestling - sticking to exercise that reprogrammed a new way of moving.
I won't lie to you. It felt at times a long and frustrating process. For someone who used to squat 140kg, albeit with poor form, to go to having to do a bodyweight squat holding on to bands to ensure I kept my trunk upright and dropped deep into the hips and engaged my glutes was a bit galling.
However, by sticking to my new movement cues I began to find a stability, power and even comfort I'd never felt before in the squat. In time 50 bodyweight squats felt like nothing and my knees were no longer crying for mercy the next day.
Now I'm squatting close to my best weight, but this time with no knee collapse, with my hips way below my knees and my trunk taut and upright.
Also the mobility work on my hips and learning how to fire up my posterior chain adding power and range of motion to my running gait, while easing stress on the knees. In six months I was able to dip under 20 minutes for a 5k run, my best time since my early 20s - and with no knee pain.
This is why I know Marks of Fitness works and will work for you. I use them myself and these short term standards I know I must attain before I can move on to the next level ensure I am making progress that will never have to be cut short because of injury or poor form. When I complete my current Marks of Fitness, I write myself more - achievable, vital increments to ensure I get fitter, stronger, faster safely and effectively.
If I struggle to achieve on 'mark' I do not put it aside and move on. This defeats the object. Each 'mark' sets the safe foundation future 'marks' are set upon.
For. example if I have not mastered landing my feet forward and my knees pushed out - a key one for me with my history of poor knee alignment - moving on to increased volume in which that bad technique is reinforced and eventual injury is likely is not going to work. I can't be programming in high rep box jumps, jump squat, jumping jacks or burps until that good technique is drilled in. At some point injury or pain is going to cut short your training and ruin all the work you've put in.
Get in touch through the website for a free consultation and let's get your fitness right from the beginning with Marks Of Fitness.